Culturally Aware Mentoring (CAM) Workshop
Research shows that culturally heterogeneous teams outperform and out-innovate culturally homogenous teams, and lead to better science. But addressing cultural heterogeneity can be daunting. In recent times, we have been confronted with the difficulties of racial discussions and the legacy of racism in our institutions. Research is not insulated from these dynamics. This CIMER CAM workshop is one effort to increase effective mentorship toward advancing inclusive excellence in science (Byars-Winston et al., 2018 ). Although there are many aspects to cultural diversity, the CIMER CAM workshop focuses on race within the US. Extrapolations can easily be made to other aspects of our identities.

Themes and Concepts
- Identify how cultural beliefs, worldviews and identities influence mentoring practices
- Recognize how cultural diversity can impact, complicate, and benefit research mentoring relationships
- Acknowledge the impact of conscious and unconscious assumptions, privilege, stereotype threat, and biases on the mentor-mentee relationship
- Apply evidence-based strategies using case studies to reduce and counteract the impact of biases, stereotype threat, and privilege to foster trusting, culturally responsive mentoring relationships
We offer both hosted and public Culturally Aware Mentoring (CAM) workshops. Regardless of format, these workshops are led by two CIMER Principal Facilitators and participants are asked to complete roughly two hours of pre work (in addition to the prior mentor training):
- Hosted/private trainings consist of a full-day in-person workshop at your institution
- Public trainings, open to individuals, are offered online as three 3-hour sessions over Zoom, held one week apart. Sign up online
to be notified when new workshops are scheduled.
- For more information see the CAM brochure