
We schedule events about 6-9 months in advance. Please fill out the service request form for further information found at the bottom of the Training Overview page.

See our Training Overview page for a full description of each training type we offer and how to get more information.

See our trainings page for a full description.

  • Entering Mentoring Facilitator Training is a train-the-trainer workshop to implement mentor training.
  • Entering Research Curriculum Development Institute is a workshop to build, enhance or expand a research curriculum to be used with trainees. It is a program development workshop based on the Entering Research curriculum.

Please see our cost sheet external link for current standard workshop pricing. Prices are valid through the current fiscal year.

We offer trainings for mentors and mentees, and anyone working in the mentoring ecosystem. Please see our trainings page for a more thorough description.

Please complete our service request form by visiting our Training Overview page. Someone on the team will get back to you within a few weeks to schedule a consultation to find out more about your goals and objectives. 

Complete a Google form to be added to the listserv for the below workshops located at the bottom of the Training Overview page. You will receive emails with recruitment details when they open. 

  • Entering Mentoring Facilitator Training
  • Culturally Aware Mentoring
  • Culturally Aware Mentoring Facilitator Training
  • Entering Research Curriculum Development Institute (trainee curriculum development)
  • Evaluating your reach course/program

Facilitation & Community

Implementation resources are available for those that have attended a facilitator training and discussed in the workshop. Resources such as facilitation guides, curriculum, activities and case scenarios can also be found in the MyCIMER portal by creating a free account.

Please visit the Facilitator Recognition Program external link website for more information.

CIMER puts out quarterly newsletters to our trained facilitators. You can sign up to receive the newsletters here external link

The MyNRMN group is also a place where facilitators can connect with their peers and ask questions related to facilitation.

Some suggested language for your CV:

  • Completed mentor training based on the evidence-based Entering Mentoring curriculum which has been shown to positively impact mentorship skills and knowledge (date).
  • Trained Facilitators will receive a letter of recognition from CIMER.

You should have received a link to a folder that contains your letter in a post-workshop email sent by CIMER or your institution/organization. Please contact cimer@wcer.wisc.edu if you are unable to access or locate your letter.

Certificates, badges, and recognition for mentoring workshops are generally provided by the host institution. However, some suggested language and recommendations can be found below. 

Hosts can create their own letter/certificate that includes their school and departmental affiliation with the below language (most common)

“This letter recognizes your participation in research mentor training at [institution/organization] from/on [date(s)] hosted by CIMER. This training is based on the evidence-based Entering Mentoring curriculum which has been shown to positively impact mentorship skills and knowledge.“


Hosts can also share this text with the participant for them to include on their CV:

“Completed mentor training based on the evidence-based Entering Mentoring curriculum from the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER)  which has been shown to positively impact mentorship skills and knowledge.”



  • You will need to create a free account the first time you visit the MyCIMER site.
  • You can watch a short tutorial on the MyCIMER page. The site includes materials for Entering Mentoring, Entering Research and Mentoring Up.

There are a variety of self study resources available on the Mentor & Mentee Support Resources page. 


CIMER has a variety of collaboration opportunities. A few of the most common items are:

  • Letters of Support
  • Collaboration on a research project
  • Collaboration on a grant
  • Beta test new activities and curricula

Visit the work with us page to view and complete a request form.