New Project Overview
There are five main steps for new teams interested in using the Platform.
Submit interest form
Provide information on your IRB, data collection design, and survey administration plan
CIMER consultation
Discuss how to best set up your project in the Platform
Project setup and design
CIMER builds your project in the Platform
Platform training
Teams learn about Platform features and navigation
Project administration
Teams create and administer surveys
For more information on how to set up a new project in the Platform, see the New Project Overview slide presentation.
Submitting Platform Interest Form
Teams interested in using the Platform for their projects should submit the Platform Interest Form once they are prepared to provide information on their IRB, data collection design, and survey administration plan.
For more information on the information needed to complete the survey, see the Setting up your New Project in the Platform slide presentation.
The Platform may also be to evaluate mentor training and mentee training. Additional information may be found on our Evaluating Entering Mentoring and Evaluating Entering Research pages.